20 February, 2008

I'm a distracted wanker.

I seem to remember reading somewhere that a woman's tendency to multitask can interfere with her ability to orgasm. Generally, that's not really a problem for me, I just come anyway, and end up with some weird conditioning because of the other things I might have been thinking of or looking at. But tonight, I definitely had a case of the former. It's not unusual for me to get bored while in front of the TV, so my mind wanders, and I get horny, and thus end up with my hands down my pants, irrespective of what happens to be on the TV screen. And usually, I have no problem tuning out the TV and getting off. But somehow, this wasn't working as I was sprawled out in front of House tonight. Perhaps that's because it's just a level up in the mindcandy stakes, and I guess the gross medical images that pop up are kind of a turn-off. Either that, or Hugh Lawrie really doesn't do it for me.

A package arrived in the mail today for my beloved. One of the things he has ordered to arrive here for our impending reunion. It gave me a few hours of bright curiosity before he happened to call and told me what was in it. I suppose I can wait to open it together now. :)

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