11 February, 2008

Talk to me

Yesterday's orgasm count: two, self-inflicted.

Suddenly, people are paying attention to me again. Last night, I found myself in profound conversation and vague flirtation with Oliver, the fellow I met up with, canoodled in the car with, and then got ignored by. Apparently there had been some social engagements keeping him from talking to me. Riight. Well, if I get to shag him, then that's nice, but I'm not going to waste my time angsting over him.

I also found myself talking to my other hot prospect today, after a week-long silence. And after some idle banter, and me explaining that yes, my beloved does know about my antics, he revealed that not only does he have a girlfriend, she also has no idea about him talking to me, and probably wouldn't be impressed. Well, good to know. I explained that in that case, I won't be able to misbehave with him, as it's one of my personal rules not to shag a taken man without his woman's knowledge and permisssion. The only exception to that rule is if the couple have an agreement to continue seeing others, but not telling each other about it. It does exist, though it's not for me, personally. He agreed, and it turned out that he had never "cheated", as it were. Apparently he converses with attractive women for the sake of fantasy fodder. Huh.

In any case, I ended up explaining to him the can of worms that polyamory can be. His reaction was fairly generic: he didn't believe that he'd be able to live that way, because jealousy is just too much of an issue. I suppose society's conditioning is alive and well.


Unknown said...

So what your basically saying is that " the beloved " aint gonna get any ? , oh well self inflicted or using a power tool will have to do then .

Queenie said...

Why shouldn't he get any? He'll be getting plenty when we see each other again, trust me.