15 January, 2008


Yesterday's orgasm count: three. A little less pathetic.

I'm looking forward to my date tonight. It might be a little bit presumptuous of me to be so filled with sexpectation, but it's been almost two weeks, and that is usually the point at which I get really antsy. I've certainly been having a lot of thoughts of cock in the last few days.

Not that men give a flying fuck, but I've even shaved my legs. Say what you like, it's a sexy feeling for my skin to be so smooth... it feels almost a little disconcerting to be wearing pants when you're not used to having smooth legs. Tonight, I plan to be strutting around in a dress I have had many good times with... it has been ripped off me in many a moment of passion, so maybe it will bring me luck. Fuck luck. Heh heh.

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